Bikovo isa village inthe Subotica municipality. Frommy houseisabout 15kilometersaway, the crow flies.Howeverwith asphalt roadhas tobeabout tenkilometersmore. SoIdecidedto go ona bike, fieldroads. GPRSin my headand throughcornfields anddustyroads, I arrivedat the destination. Now andnevermore.
My road :))
The firstfootballclub in theBikovowas founded in 1952. As far I know,onlytwo nameshave beenalteredin the nameof the club, Bikovo and Poljoprivrednik. In the early ninetiesthe clubhad arenaissance inhigher rankbut mostlyplayed inthelowest, sixthrank ofcompetition as wellthese days. On the groundthere is onlyone smallstandon the west, it seems to methat this isconstruction ofrailwaywagon. Guests, whoalsohave along name,have won. Ivisitedthemlast seasonin agamewithalsolot of goals.
E pozdrav! Jako dobri blogovi. A i primetio sam da si iskopirao moju hijerarhiju fudbalskih liga u Srbiji. Ako treba dacu ti za ovu sezonu! Ima na par mesta izmena. Svako dobro!
Stadion je baš kvalitetan :)))
ReplyDeletePuno pozdrava! Keep groundhopping! :)
E pozdrav! Jako dobri blogovi. A i primetio sam da si iskopirao moju hijerarhiju fudbalskih liga u Srbiji. Ako treba dacu ti za ovu sezonu! Ima na par mesta izmena. Svako dobro!